Dodge Code P2314

Dodge Code P2314

When a Dodge Code P2314 appears, it is usually an indication of an issue with the ignition coil. This diagnostic monitor is designed to verify that each coil-on-plug Ignition Coil has achieved a sufficient burn. The issue could be caused by several factors, ranging from a Fused Automatic Shut Down (ASD) Relay Output circuit open/high

Dodge Code P1404

Dodge Code P1404

When it comes to the Dodge Code P1404, it is a warning sign of potential issues with the EGR position sensor rationaluty. This code is triggered when the engine is running and the EGR flow or valve movement is not what is expected. There are a few potential causes for this issue, including a good

Dodge Code P0351

Dodge Code P0351

When it comes to Dodge vehicles, P0351 is an ignition coil code that can be caused by various issues. This code indicates that there is a malfunction in the Ignition Coil No. 1, 2 or 3 Primary Circuit, and the PCM detected that the peak coil current was not reached in 2.5 ms of dwell

Dodge Code P1621

Dodge Code P1621

Regarding automotive diagnostics, the Dodge Code P1621 can be a real headache. This code is related to the oxygen sensor return circuit voltage, and it can cause many issues if it is not addressed properly. The code is triggered when the oxygen sensor’s return circuit voltage is less than 0.96 volts for more than 9.0

Dodge Code P1723

Dodge Code P1723

Dodge Code P1723 is a diagnostic trouble code associated with a Dodge vehicle’s transmission system. This code is triggered when the transmission control module (TCM) attempts to control the torque converter clutch (TCC) on or off status but cannot do so for 200 milliseconds. This could be caused by various issues, such as a short

Dodge Code P3400

Dodge Code P3400

The Dodge Code P3400 is a cylinder deactivation system that supplies power to each MDS solenoid when the engine is making a transition from 8-cylinder mode to 4 cylinder mode. This system is meant to reduce fuel consumption and enhance engine performance. Unfortunately, when all criteria has not been met, it can lead to a

Dodge Code U1110

Dodge Code U1110

Dodge Code U1110 is an error code associated with the loss of vehicle speed message. This code is generated when the Electronic Pedestrian Protection Module (EPPM) can’t receive the vehicle speed signal from the Anti-lock Brake Module (ABS), Electronic Stability Program (ESP), and Electronic Stability Control (ESC) over the CAN C bus. This situation can

Dodge Code P0501

Dodge Code P0501

When it comes to diagnosing and fixing Dodge vehicles, the code P0501 is critical to understanding the performance of the vehicle speed sensor. This code is an indication that the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) is receiving data from the Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) module over the CAN C bus. The CAN C bus is a

Dodge Code P0760

Dodge Code P0760

Having a Dodge vehicle with an error code P0760 can be a real pain. The code indicates an OD Solenoid circuit issue, and can put the transmission in limp-in mode if the failure is detected above 35 km/h (22 mph). This can cause a lot of inconvenience and even worse, a costly repair. It is

Dodge Code P1294

Dodge Code P1294

We are all familiar with the dreaded “check engine light” and the mysterious codes it throws at us when something goes wrong. One of the most common codes is the Dodge Code P1294, which stands for “Target Idle Speed Not Reached”. This code is triggered by the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) when the actual idle

Dodge Code C0034-1D

Dodge Code C0034-1D

When it comes to Dodge cars, the C0034-1D code can be a source of confusion and frustration. This code indicates a Right Front Wheel Speed Sensor Circuit Current Out of Range failure. It is usually triggered when the Right Front Wheel Speed Sensor circuit fails the diagnostic test due to a variety of causes. If