Dodge Code P0792

The Dodge Code P0792, also known as Compounder Speed Ratio Error, is a diagnostic trouble code that is used to identify a transmission control system problem. The transmission control system requires three speed sensors to measure the input, transfer, and output rpm of the main transmission assembly. This is crucial for proper transmission operation and the integrity of the data is verified through system checks. If a problem is detected, the code P0792 is triggered and it is important to understand the cause and the solution for this code to ensure the transmission system is running correctly.

Causes and Solutions for Dodge Code P0792

Cause Solution
Related Transmission DTCs present Check for any other codes that may be related and reset the code.
Intermittent Gear Ratio Errors Check for any mechanical issues, and use a scan tool to check for any transmission-related codes.
Internal Transmission Check for any damaged or worn internal transmission components, and replace them if necessary.
Faulty sensors Check the wiring and connectors, and replace the sensors if necessary.

Related Transmission DTCs Present

The Dodge Code P0792 may be triggered by other diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) that are related to the transmission. When this happens, it is important to investigate and reset the code. If the code is still present, it is possible that the transmission system has an internal issue that needs to be addressed.

Intermittent Gear Ratio Errors

Intermittent gear ratio errors can sometimes lead to the Dodge Code P0792. This is usually caused by a mechanical issue, such as a worn or damaged component, and can be difficult to diagnose. To find the source of the issue, it is important to use a scan tool to check for any transmission-related codes.

Internal Transmission

If the transmission system has an internal issue, the Dodge Code P0792 may be triggered. This could be caused by a damaged or worn transmission component, and must be addressed in order to avoid further damage. It is important to check for any faulty components, and replace them if necessary.

Faulty Sensors

Faulty sensors can also cause the Dodge Code P0792 to be triggered. This is usually caused by a wiring issue, or a faulty connector. To check for this, it is important to check the wiring and connectors, and replace the sensors if necessary.


The Dodge Code P0792, also known as Compounder Speed Ratio Error, is an important diagnostic trouble code that can indicate a problem with the transmission system. In order to properly diagnose the problem and ensure the transmission system is running correctly, it is important to understand the causes and solutions of this code. Some of the possible causes and solutions include related transmission DTCs, intermittent gear ratio errors, internal transmission issues, and faulty sensors. To ensure a smooth running transmission system, it is important to address any Dodge Code P0792 as soon as possible. By understanding the causes and solutions for the Dodge Code P0792, you can keep your vehicle’s transmission system running efficiently and reliably.

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