Hyundai Code P2118

Hyundai Code P2118

Regarding Hyundai vehicles, the Code P2118 is a common diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that indicates a potential problem with the Throttle Actuator Control Motor Circuit. This code is triggered when the Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) motor control duty value is over 80% and 5 seconds, and the ECM recognizes it as a throttle valve sticking.

Hyundai Code P0448

Hyundai Code P0448

Hyundai Code P0448 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) which is set in the Diagnostic System of the Hyundai vehicle. It indicates that the EVAP (Emission Vent Control) system has a short in its circuit. This code is set when the ECM/PCM (Engine Control Module/Powertrain Control Module) detects a short to battery on its vent

Hyundai Code P0444

Hyundai Code P0444

When it comes to diagnosing a Hyundai with the code P0444, it is important to understand what causes it and how to solve it. This code stands for EVAP Emission System- Purge Control Valve Circuit Open, and it can be caused by a range of things. The most common causes include poor connection, open or

Hyundai Code P2015

Hyundai Code P2015

The Hyundai Code P2015 is an issue that often arises in Hyundai vehicles. This code is an indication that the Intake Manifold Runner Position Sensor/Switch Circuit is experiencing a range or performance issue in Bank 1. In order to determine the cause of the issue, it is important to understand the symptoms of the code,

Hyundai Code B1620

Hyundai Code B1620

Hyundai Code B1620 is a “SRSCM Fault” that is typically seen in Hyundai vehicles. This type of fault is characterized by an “Enable Conditions Ignition” which cannot be erased, and is qualified and de-qualified on a Diagnostic Time. The primary causes of this fault are related to the SRSCM and the deployment of DAB, PAB,

Hyundai Code P0082

Hyundai Code P0082

If you own a Hyundai and the engine diagnostic system has detected the code P0082, it is likely that your vehicle is experiencing an Intake Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Low (Bank 2) related problem. This code generally indicates that the powertrain control module (PCM) has detected a short to ground or open circuit in the

Hyundai Code P0173

Hyundai Code P0173

Having a Hyundai car and being faced with the code P0173 can be an alarming experience for many drivers. The code P0173 is a Fuel Trim Too Rich or Too Lean (Bank 2) engine running in closed loop, and the PCM detected the Fuel system was too rich or too lean during two or more

Hyundai Code P0463

Hyundai Code P0463

When your Hyundai vehicle is having issues with code P0463, it’s important to understand the cause and solution of this problem. This code indicates a Fuel Level Sensor “A” Circuit high Input issue with the engine. The output voltage is monitored and if it is less than 0.02 volt, or output voltage is less than

Hyundai Code P0027

Hyundai Code P0027

Solution: Check Oil Pressure Replace OCV If you drive a Hyundai and have been experiencing problems with a code P0027, you are not alone. This code is caused by a variety of issues and can be difficult to diagnose. Commonly known as the Exhaust Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 1) code, this indicates that

Hyundai Code P0455

Hyundai Code P0455

If you own a Hyundai, you may have encountered the dreaded P0455 code – a large leak detected in your vehicle’s evaporative emission system. This code can be a nuisance to diagnose and requires a thorough understanding of the system in order to properly repair it. Understanding the possible causes and solutions to this code