Jeep Code P242B

Jeep Code P242B

Jeep Code P242B is a diagnostic code that indicates a malfunction in the Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor circuit related to Bank 1 Sensor 3. This code is the result of a 2-trip fault, which causes the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) to illuminate the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) and disable active regeneration mode. To resolve this

Jeep Code P026C

Jeep Code P026C

Jeep owners with the code P026C should know that FUEL INJECTION QUANTITY LOWER THAN EXPECTED is a common issue and can be triggered by various causes. This code is set when the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) uses a Fuel Mass Observer (FMO) Monitor to check the injection correction quantity for exceeding permissible limits and the

Jeep Code U1120

Jeep Code U1120

Jeep Code U1120 is an error code that is displayed when the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) fails to receive wheel speed and wheel distance CAN C bus messages from the Anti-lock Brake (ABS) module. This error code is commonly found in Jeep vehicles, hence Jeep Code U1120. The cause of this issue can vary, ranging

Jeep Code C1015

Jeep Code C1015

Jeep Code C1015 is an important diagnostic tool for diagnosing the RIGHT FRONT WHEEL SPEED SENSOR CIRCUIT. It is a critical component of keeping Jeeps running safely and effectively. Common causes of Jeep Code C1015 include WIRING HARNESS, TERMINAL, CONNECTOR DAMAGE, (B7) RIGHT FRONT WSS 12 VOLT SUPPLY CIRCUIT SHORTED TO VOLTAGE, GROUND, OR OPEN,

Jeep Code P0107

Jeep Code P0107

Jeep Code P0107 is a diagnostic fault code associated with the Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Error. This code is generated when a Jeep’s Powertrain Control Module detects a lower voltage signal than expected from the Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor. This code is a serious issue because it can cause problems with the vehicle’s

Jeep Code P1282

Jeep Code P1282

Solution: Inspect the fuel pump relay control circuit for any open or short to ground condition Inspect the fuel pump relay power circuit for any open condition Replace the fuel pump relay as necessary Replace the PCM as necessary When you experience Jeep Code P1282, it can be a difficult issue to diagnose and fix.

Jeep Code P1062

Jeep Code P1062

Jeep Code P1062 is an electronically controlled variable intake valve phase and lift system used in certain Jeep models. This system is unique in its ability to control the intake valves of each cylinder independently and infinitely adjust the valve lift and timing. The Jeep Code P1062 is associated with the cylinder 2 oil supply

Jeep Code P2305

Jeep Code P2305

Jeep Code P2305 is a diagnostic monitor to verify that each coil-on-plug Ignition Coil has achieved sufficient burn. This code is triggered when the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) cannot detect enough ionization on the secondary circuit, which could cause several issues. Understanding why this code is triggered and what solutions are available is essential to

Jeep Code U1001

Jeep Code U1001

Jeep Code U1001 is a diagnostic trouble code that indicates that a circuit in the CAN B Bus system is open. In other words, it means that the vehicle’s computer cannot communicate with the driver’s door module. This code is often seen when a vehicle’s electrical system has been tampered with or when a connection

Jeep Code U0401

Jeep Code U0401

Jeep Code U0401 is a diagnostic trouble code associated with a problem in receiving implausible data from the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) to the Active Damping Control Module (ADCM). This code is prevalent in Jeep vehicles and can cause several issues in the vehicle’s running and performance. To understand the cause of this error code