Ford Code P0811

Ford Code P0811

When your Ford vehicle displays the code P0811, it means that the engine control module (ECM) has detected excessive clutch A slippage. This code is set when the engine speed measured by the ECM is greater than the engine speed measured at the transmission. The causes of this code can vary, ranging from a damaged

GMC Code C0110 61

GMC Code C0110 61

A GMC Code C0110 61 is an ignition ON system with a pump motor commanded to turn on, off, and on again. When the pump motor continues to rotate after activation, a binding or stalled pump motor will be indicated by a measured feedback voltage. This failure type is known as a Signal Calculation Failure,

Ford Code P117B

Ford Code P117B

Ford Code P117B is an engine diagnostic trouble code that is related to the exhaust gas temperature sensor correlation for Bank 1. This code is triggered when the powertrain control module (PCM) detects a difference in temperature among the three exhaust gas temperature (EGT) sensors that is greater than 25°C (45°F). This code can be

Dodge Code P1705

Dodge Code P1705

Regarding Dodge vehicles, the P1705 code can be a major problem. The code is related to the NAG1 transmission, which has two input speed sensors used by the Transmission Control Module (TCM) to calculate the transmission’s input speed. This code can be caused by various factors, ranging from internal transmission issues to issues with the

Dodge Code P0115

Dodge Code P0115

When it comes to Dodge cars, the code P0115 can be a cause of frustration for drivers. This code serves as a warning that a malfunction in the Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit has been detected. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as an open or shorted circuit, a damaged or

Subaru Code P0692

Subaru Code P0692

Subaru Code P0692 is an error code that indicates an unexpectedly high voltage in the Cooling Fan Relay Control Circuit. Many factors, such as a faulty main fan relay, a short radiator fan relay control circuit, or poor contact, can cause this issue. To properly diagnose and repair this issue, it is essential to take

Mercedes-Benz Code P2279

Mercedes-Benz Code P2279

Driving a Mercedes-Benz is a luxurious experience, but it can be dampened when an error code appears. One such code is P2279, which is an intake tract air malfunction. This code can affect the engine output and requires you to check the intake tract for unmetered air. The potential cause of this code is self

Ford Code U3000:04

Ford Code U3000:04

The Ford motor company has introduced a new code – U3000:04 – to indicate system internal failures in their control module. This code is used by mechanics to identify the source of the issue, allowing for a quicker and more accurate diagnosis and repair. While this code has been beneficial for mechanics, it can be

Pontiac Code B2575 01

Pontiac Code B2575 01

Pontiac Code B2575 01 is an error code that is used to identify a short to battery condition in the headlamp control circuit. This code is generated when the body control module (BCM) detects a short to voltage in the low beam relay control circuit. The voltage must remain between 9-16 volts and the headlamps

Subaru Code P1718

Subaru Code P1718

Regarding Subaru vehicles, the code P1718 signals a problem within the AT CAN communication circuit. This code is associated with a CAN communication error, an abbreviation for Controller Area Network. CAN communication is used to relay information between the various control units in a vehicle, and when this communication is disrupted, the vehicle’s performance is

Toyota Code C0278

Toyota Code C0278

The Toyota Code C0278 is a diagnostic trouble code that indicates an open circuit in the ABS solenoid relay circuit. This can be caused by several different issues, including a blown ABS2/VSC2 fuse, a faulty ABS solenoid relay circuit, or a malfunctioning brake actuator assembly (ABS solenoid relay). These issues can be difficult to identify